HIIT in a treadmill for people with overweight or obesity: a systematic review
HIIT en banda sinfín para personas con sobrepeso u obesidad: una revisión sistemática
https://doi.org/10.54167/tch.v15i1.789Palabras clave:
interval training, treadmill, intensity of exercise, obesity, safe exerciseResumen
A systematic review was carried out with the objective to analyze the workloads of the high intensity interval training (HIIT) protocols in treadmill, in order to identify the most used intensity percentages, administered in people with overweight or obesity; a bibliographic search was performed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO, SCIELO and PUBMED databases. Inclusion criteria were: original experimental studies, where one or more HIIT protocols in treadmill were administered on population with overweight or obesity, regardless their age; studies made in athletes or using functional exercises were excluded. Eight articles were considered for this review from a total of 678 articles detected. All of them reported the administration of HIIT protocols at intensities between 80% and 95% of HRmax, HRpeak, calculated HRmax, or HRreserve; with short (30 seconds) to large (4 minutes) high intensity intervals. It is concluded that HIIT on a treadmill can be used on people with overweight or obesity due to its efficacy and safeness at high intensity levels and can provide optimal results in body composition, cardio respiratory fitness and other parameters such as IL-6 and TNFalpha, in addition to reduce systolic blood pressure.
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