Special Issue II

Title: Meat Functional Foods: Innovation in Nutrition, Health and Sustainability

Submission Date

Opening date for submission: May 2nd., 2024

Deadline for manuscript submission: October 1st., 2024

  • Special Issue Editors

Dr. Diego Eloy Carballo Carballo

Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. Mexico

Faculty of Chemical Sciences.

Interests: meat products and preparations, antioxidant activity, food chemistry and technology.

E-mail: dcarballo@uach.mx 

Dr. Javier Mateo Oyagüe

Universidad de Leon, Spain.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Department of Food Hygiene and Technology.

Interests: meat and meat product quality, food technology, meat product reformulation.

E-mail: jmato@unileon.es   

Dr. Sergio Soto Simental

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico.

Food Engineering Educational Program

Interests: carcass and meat quality, meat products added with non-conventional fiber sources.

E-mail: sotos@uaeh.edu.mx

Dra. Esmeralda Mónica Peña González

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, Mexico

Department of Agricultural and Animal Production in the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Bachelor's Degree.

Interests: quality and safety of animal products, sensory analysis of food, emerging technologies.

E-mail: epena@correo.xoc.uam.mx 

  • Information about the special issue

Dear colleagues,

In recent years, there has been notable growth in the pursuit of functional foods, driven by awareness of the importance of diet in health and the utilization of unconventional raw materials that contribute to sustainability. As part of this trend, functional ingredients in meat products have emerged as a topic of high scientific and social interest. The initial goal is to create meat products that resemble conventional ones regarding sensory experience yet incorporate new ingredients or processes to enhance their health benefits and sustainability.

This special issue of the TECNOCIENCIA Chihuahua Journal aims to explore the most recent research and discoveries in the field of functional meat products. This special issue will cover subjects such as incorporating bioactive ingredients and their effects on consumer health, optimizing production processes, evaluating novel formulations, and implementing conventional and non-conventional technologies to improve meat products' nutritional and functional aspects while ensuring sustainability.

  • Manuscript submission information
  1. TECNOCIENCIA Chihuahua Journal is a multidisciplinary, continuously published journal that publishes original and unpublished invited review articles and scientific notes, in Spanish and English, in open access electronic format with double blind peer review, accepted articles will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as they are accepted) and will be listed together in the special issue website.
  2. This is an Open Access journal, funded by the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua (UACH) and edited by the Research and Postgraduate Department of the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua.
  3. Original research articles, review articles and short communications or scientific notes are invited for review and publication in this special issue.
  4. All manuscript submissions undergo pre-screening and will, then, be thoroughly evaluated through a double-blind peer review process. A manual for authors and other relevant information for manuscript submission (Practical guide for uploading a submission to the platform) is available in the Guideline for Authors (https://revistascientificas.uach.mx/index.php/tecnociencia/guiaautores).
  5. Manuscripts submitted (Spanish or English) must not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere (except for presentations at conferences, avoiding publication as short or in extenso papers).
  6. Please visit the Author Guidelines page (https://revistascientificas.uach.mx/index.php/tecnociencia/guiaautores) before submitting a manuscript. Papers submitted for consideration should adhere to the appropriate format for each article type (research articles, critical reviews, or scientific notes), displaying well-structured content including sections, tables, and figures, and maintaining a high standard of English or Spanish language usage.
  7. Manuscripts should be submitted online at the following link: https://revistascientificas.uach.mx/index.php/tecnociencia/index , by registering and logging in to the website.
  8. Once you are registered, click on the "Make a submission" option to go to the submission form.
  9. Manuscripts may be submitted up to the deadline previously indicated.
  • Keywords

functional foods

functional ingredients

bioactive compounds



meat products

non-conventional technologies

process modeling and optimization

alternative development in meat formulations

shelf life of meat products


food culture


  • Published papers