Resumen Histórico sobre la perezona, 1852-2022
Historical summary related to perezone, 1852-2022
DOI: clave:
perezona, Acourtia-Perezia, transformación sintética, estudios in silico, estudios farmacológicosResumen
En este informe, se presenta una versión resumida sobre la historia de la perezona, molécula considerada como el primer metabolito secundario aislado en estado cristalino en el Nuevo-Mundo (hoy Continente Américano); es importante resaltar, que el manuscrito aquí exhibido es una adaptación resumida y actualizada, al año 2022, de un capítulo divulgado por nuestro grupo académico Laboratorio de Estudios sobre Química Verde, en el libro Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products (2021), en el cual se cubrió toda la información referente a la perezona para el periodo 1852-2020.
Abreu, P.A., Wilke, D.V., Araujo, A.J., Marinho-Filho, J.D.B., Ferreira, E.G., Ribeiro, C.M.R., Pinheiro, L.S., Amorim, J.W., Valverde, A.L., Epifanio, R.A., Costa-Lotufo, L.V. & Jimenez, P.C. (2015). Perezone, from the gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia rigida, induces oxidative stress in human leukemia cell. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 25(6): 634-640.
Aguilar-Martínez, M., Bautista-Martínez, J.A., Macías-Ruvalcaba, N., González, I., Tovar, E., Marín del Alizal, T., Collera, O. & Cuevas, G. (2001). Molecular structure of substituted phenylamine α-OMe- and α-OH-p-benzoquinone derivatives. Synthesis and correlation of spectroscopic, electrochemical, and theoretical parameters. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 66(25): 8349-8363.
Alarcon-Aguilar, F.J., Roman-Ramos, R., Jimenez-Estrada, M., Reyes-Chilpa, R., Gonzales-Paredes, B. & Flores-Saenz, J.L. (1997). Effects of three Mexican medicinal plants (Asteraceae) on blood glucose levels in healthy mice and rabbits. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 55(3): 171-177.
Anastas, P.T. & Warner, J.C. (1998). In Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press, UK. ISBN: 9780198502340, 9780198506980, 0198502346 y 0198506988
Anchütz, R. (1885). Ueber die pipitzahoinsäure. Berichte 18(1): 709-715.
Anchütz, R. & Leather, W. (1885). Ueber einige derivate der pipitzahoinsäure. Berichte 18(1): 715-717.
Aranda, A., Viesca, C., Sánchez, G., Sánchez, G., Ramos de Viesca, M. & Sanfilippo, J. (2003). La materia médica en el Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina UNAM 46(1): 12-17.
Archer, D.A. & Thomson, R.H. (1965). Structure of perezone. Chemical Communications (London) 15: 345-350.
Arellano, J., Vázquez, F., Villegas, T. & Hernández, G. (1996). Establishment of transformed roots culture of Perezia cuernavacana producing the sesquiterpene quinone perezone. Plant Cell Reports 15: 455-458.
Arigoni, D. & Jeger, O. (1954). Über sesquiterpene und azulene. 111. Mitteilung. Über die absolute konfiguration des Zingiberens. Helvetica Chimica Acta 37(3): 881-883.
Barcelo Quintal, I.D., Solis Correa, H.E. & Flores Valverde, E. (1994). Kinetic stability of perezonates of cobalt, nickel, and zinc in hydro-alcohol solutions. Revista de la Sociedad Química de México 38: 110-116.
Barrera, E., Barrios, H. & Walls, F. (1980). Intramolecular photocycloaddition of O-methylmethoxyperezone. Revista de la Sociedad Química de México 24: 161-163.
Barrios, H., Salazar, I., Diaz, E., Walls, F. & Joseph-Nathan, P. (1986). Carbon-13 NMR studies on perezone transformation products. Revista Latinoaméricana de Química 16: 163-166.
Barrios, H., Salazar, I., Enriquez, R., Diaz, E. & Walls, F. (1979). Isolation and structure determination of two new products formed by the irradiation of pyrazolino-O-methylperezone. Revista Latinoaméricana Química 10: 69-71.
Bautista-Martínez, J.A., Frontana, C., Solano-Peralta, A., Reyes-Hernández, C.I., Cuevas, G., González, I. & Aguilar-Martinez, M. (2007). Influence of the substituent on the reactivity of anilinoperezones. Analysis of the influence of the C(12)-C(13) double bond. ECS Transactions 3(29): 45-54.
Bautista-Martínez, J.A., González, I. & Aguilar-Martínez, M. (2004). Correlation of voltammetric behavior of α-hydroxy and α-methoxy quinones with the range of acidity level in acetonitrile. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 573(2): 289-298.
Bates, R.B., Paknikar, S.K. & Thalacker, V.P. (1965). A 1,3-addition by a hydroquinone: the structure of perezone. Chemistry and Industry (London, UK) (43), 1793. In: Douglas-Kinghorn, A., H. Falk, S. Gibbons, Y. Asakawa, J-K Liu & V. M. Dirsch. (2021). Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 116. ISBN: 978-3-030-80560-9.
Bohlmann, F., Ahmed, M., Grenz, M., King, R.M. & Robinson, H. (1983). Bisabolene derivatives and other constituents from Coreopsis species. Phytochemistry 22(12): 2858-2859.
Bohlmann, F., Banerjee, S., Jakupovic, J., King, R.M. & Robinson, H. (1985). Bisabolene derivatives and acetylenic compounds from Peruvian Coreopsis species. Phytochemistry 24(6): 1295-1297.
Bohlmann, F. & Zdero, C. (1977). Über inhaltsstoffe der tribus mutisieae. Phytochemistry 16(2): 239-242.
Bohlmann, F., Zdero, C., King, R.M. & Robinson, H. (1979). Neueperezon-derivate aus Acourtia thurberi. Phytochemistry 18(11): 1894-1895.
Bohlmann, F., Zdero, C., Robinson, H. & King, R.M. (1981). A diterpene, a sesquiterpene quinone and flavones from Wyethia helenioides. Phytochemistry 20(9): 2245-2248.
Burgeño-Tapia, E., Castillo, L., González-Coloma, A. & Joseph-Nathan, P. (2008). Antifeedant and phytotoxic activity of the sesquiterpene p-benzoquinone perezone and some of its derivatives. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 766-771.
Burgeño-Tapia, E., Cerda-García-Rojas, C.M. & Joseph-Nathan, P. (2012). Conformational analysis of perezone and dihydroperezone using vibratonial circular dichroism. Phytochemistry 74: 190-195.
Burgeño-Tapia, E. & Joseph-Nathan, P. (1997). Detailed studies on perezone rearrangements. Monatshefte für Chemie 128: 651-658.
Burgeño-Tapia, E. & Joseph-Nathan, P. (2000). 13C NMR substituent chemical shifts in hydroxyl-p-benzoquinones. Magnetic Resononance in Chemistry 38(5): 390-393.;2-9
Carabez-T, A. & Sandoval-Z, F. (1988). The action of the sesquiterpene benzoquinone, perezone, on electron transport in biological membranes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 260(1): 293-300.
Chacón-García, L., Valle-Sánchez, M. & Contreras-Celedon, C.A. (2013). A novel semisynthetic anion receptor: synthesis and ion recognition of (1-H-pyrrol-2-yl)-4-oxo-perezone. Letters in Organic Chemistry 10(9): 632-636.
Chandler, A.D.Jr. & Florestano, H.J. (The Dow Chemical Company) (1969). Griseofulvin-Perezone composition. US Patente No. US3471615A.
Concepción-Lozada, M., Soria-Arteche, O., Ramírez-Apan, M.T., Nieto-Camacho, A., Enríquez, R.G., Izquierdo, T. & Jiménez-Corona, A. (2012). Synthesis, cytotoxic and antioxidant evaluations of amino derivatives from perezone. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 20(17): 5077-5084.
Cortés, E., Ortiz, B., Sánchez-Obregón, R., Walls, F. & Yuste, F. (1997). The mass spectral fragmentation of perezone and related compounds. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 11(8): 904-906.;2-2
Cortes, E., Salmon, M. & Walls, F. (1965). Total synthesis of perezone and α- and β-pipitzols. Boletín del Instituto de Química UNAM 17: 19-33.
Cuéllar, A., Cárabez, A. & Chávez, E. (1987). Ca2+ releasing effect of perezone on adrenal cortex mitochondria. Life Sciences 41(17): 2047-2054.
De Pahn, E.M., Molina-Portela, M.P. & Stoppani, A.O.M. (1988). Effects of quinones and nitrofurans on Trypanosoma mega and Crithidia fasciculata. Revista Argentina de Microbiología 20: 107-118.
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Douglas Kinghorn, A., Falk, H., Gibbons, S., Asakawa, Y., Liu, J.-K. & Dirsch, V.M. (Eds) (2021). In Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, vol. 116, Springer, Switerland.
Duyk, M. (1899). Perezone, a new indicator for alkalimetry. Annales de Chemie Analitique et de Chemie Applique et Revue de Chemie Analytique Reunions 4: 372.
Ehnsen, A., Karabelas, K., Heerding, J.M. & Moore, H.W. (1990). Synthesis of hydroxyquinones and related compounds: semisquaric acids, (±)-terreic acid, (±)-perezone, and (±)-isoperezone. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 55(4): 1177-1185.
Enríquez, R.G., Fernández-G, J.M., Gnecco, D., Pénicaud, A. & Reynolds, W.F. (1998). The crystal and molecular structure of isoperezone, aminoperezone, and isoaminoperezone: a comparative study of their crystal packing. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 28: 529-537.
Enríquez, R., Ortega, J. & Lozoya, X. (1980). Active components in Perezia roots. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2(4): 389-393.
Enríquez, R.G., Ortiz, B., Alducin, E., Walls, F., Gnecco, D., Yu, M. & Reynolds, W.F. (1995). The reaction of perezone and isoperezone with hydroxylamine: a surprisingly facile method for introducing an NH2 group into the quinone functionality. Natural Product Letters 6(2): 103-109.
Escobedo-González, R.G., Bahena, L., Arias Tellez, J.L., Hinojosa Torres, J., Miranda Ruvalcaba, R. & Aceves-Hernández, J.M. (2015). Characterization and comparison of perezone with some analogues. Experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Molecular Structure 1097: 98-105.
Escobedo-González, R.G., Martínez, J., Vargas Requena, C., Hernández-Rodríguez, M., Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I., Moyers Montoya, E.D. & Miranda Ruvalcaba, R. (2022). Wound healing perezone activity study. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry submitted.
Escobedo-González, R., Mendoza, P., Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I., Hernández-Rodríguez, M., Martínez, J. & Miranda Ruvalcaba, R. (2021). A timeline of perezone, the first isolated secondary metabolite in the New World, covering the period from 1852 to 2020. In Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products116: 67-133 Springer, Switerland.
Escobedo-González, R.G., Pérez Martínez, H., Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I., Martínez, J., Gómez, G., Nava Serrano, J., Carranza Téllez, V., Vargas-Requena, C.L. & Miranda Ruvalcaba, R. (2016). Green production of indolylquinones, derivatives of perezone, and related molecules, promising antineoplastic compounds. Journal of Chemistry 2016: 1-10.
Escobedo-González, R., Vargas-Requena, C.L., Márquez Olivas, D., Miranda-Ruvalcaba, R. & Nicolás-Vázquez, I. (2021). Estudio teórico-experimental de nano y microesferas cargadas con perezona. Congreso Nacional de Cuerpos Académicos, Investigación y Posgrado de Universidades Tecnológicas y Politécnicas. 629-638. ISBN: 978-607-8680-27-6.
Escobedo-González, R.G., Vargas-Requena, C.L., Moyers-Montoya, E., Aceves-Hernández, J.M., Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I. & Miranda-Ruvalcaba, R. (2017). In silico study of the pharmacologic properties and cytotoxicity pathways in cancer cells of various indolylquinone analogues of perezone. Molecules 22(7): 1060.
Escobedo-González, R., Vázquez-Cabañas, A., Martínez-González, A., Mendoza-Sánchez, P., Saavedra-Leos, Z., Cruz-Olivares, J., Nava Serrano, J., Martínez, J. & Miranda Ruvalcaba, R. (2019). Green approach extraction of perezone from the roots of Acourtia platyphilla (A. Grey): a comparison of four activating modes and supercritical carbon dioxide. Molecules 24(17): 3035.
Espinoza-Vázquez, A., Rodríguez-Gómez, F.J., Mata, R., Madariaga-Mazón, A. & Ángeles-Beltrán, D. (2017). Perezone as corrosion inhibitor for AISI 1018 steel immersed in NaCl saturated with CO2. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 21: 1687-1697.
Frontana, B.A., Cárdenas, J., Rodríguez-Hahn, L. & Baeza, A. (1997). Preparative electrochemical reductive methylation of ortho-hydroxy-para-benzoquinones. Tetrahedron 53(2): 469-478.
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Martínez, J., Hernández-Rodríguez, M., Escobedo-González, R., Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I., Saavedra-Leos, Z. & Miranda-Ruvalcaba, R. (2019). Computational characterization of perezone, isoperezone and their sulfur-derivatives: anti-inflammatory activity. Chemistry Select 4(45): 13333-13346.
Martínez, J., Hernández-Rodríguez, M., Miranda-Ruvalcaba, R., Escobedo-González, R. & Nicolás-Vázquez, M.I. (2021). Can (S)-Stereoisomers of perezone and its derivatives show similar activity to its (R)-stereoisomers? A computational characterization and docking study. Chemistry Select 6(40): 10974-10985.
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Martínez, J., Velasco-Bejarano, B., Delgado, F., Pozas, R., Torres-Domínguez, H.M., Trujillo-Ferrara, J.G., Arroyo, G.A. & Miranda, R. (2008). Eco-contribution to the chemistry of perezone, a comparative study, using different modes of activation and solventless conditions. Natural Product Communications 3(9): 1465-1468.
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