Creation of a Co-evaluation instrument to improve the teaching-learningt process
Assessment of an experience
Peer evaluation, peer evaluation, evaluation instrument, learningAbstract
The general objective of the research was to validate that the creation and implementation of co-assessment, as an evaluative instrument, improves student learning. The methodology was applied, with a participatory action research design with the collaboration of a group of students, with a quantitative approach and a longitudinal section from October 2022 to August 2023. As it was action research, it involved three phases: observe, think and Act. The results showed that more than 82.90% of students improved their study activities, referring to the distribution of tasks, search for better information with adequate bibliographic sources, participation and exchange of information and quality of review and correction of contributions. More than 70.70% were initially afraid of evaluating their colleagues and being evaluated by them, but then they minimized the problems of lack of participation, attendance at scheduled meetings and poor time management and managed to generate new skills. Finally, more than 78.10% of the students managed to work better, delved into theories achieving greater knowledge, shared ideas and debated, learned to evaluate themselves maximizing learning, developed greater responsibility, made better decisions, learned to establish mechanisms of control, achieved greater satisfaction, and considered that their evaluation was fairer.
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