Metaverse and its application in the democratization of education




Metaverse, democratization of education, educational innovation, virtual reality, e-learning


The teaching-learning processes are constantly changing to adapt to the needs of modern societies. The implementation of the digital dimension in education has made it possible to move from a classroom system to a virtual one, which places the metaverse as an alternative for the teacher and the student to interact within a virtual environment in the next generations. In this context, documentary research of the scientific literature on the subject was carried out, through the application of a descriptive study, to understand the characteristics of the metaverse and its application in the democratization of education. For this, the concepts of metaverse, e-learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality were studied; as well as the application of immersive technologies to contribute to the democratization of education. It was found that the main applications of the metaverse are related to professional training through educational simulations, and the development of recreational activities to support the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biography

Efraín Alfredo Barragán-Perea, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México

Doctor en Administración por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México (UACH) y Grado de Maestría en Administración (UACH). Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo en la UACH en los programas académicos de Maestría en Innovación Educativa (perteneciente al PNPC de CONACYT), Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Información y Licenciatura en Filosofía. Asimismo, imparte cátedra en las licenciaturas en Gestión y Desarrollo de Empresas, Finanzas y Contaduría, Comercio Internacional, y Mercadotecnia de la Universidad La Salle Chihuahua. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Actualmente colabora en el Cuerpo académico “Estudios de la Información”. Correo electrónico: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Barragán-Perea, E. A. (2023). Metaverse and its application in the democratization of education. Revista Estudios De La Información, 1(1), 90–101.
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