The observation of birds from a citizen science leisure project to systematic research
Contributions of a 10-year record in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico
birdwatching, Chihuahua (Mexico), citizen science, environmental impact, urban areas, ecosystemsAbstract
This article analyses historical data from observations made of birds in breeding season, throughout two routes with urban characteristics. The data were collected during a consecutive period of 10 years (2009-2018), following a precise methodology designed by the North American Breeding Bird Survey. The analyzed routes are officially registered in the Mexican Commission for Biodiversity’s Knowledge and Use, the United States Geological Survey Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, and the Canadian Wildlife Service Research Centre. The observations were made by citizens without formal professional education; hence the results may be considered within the framework of citizen science. Their contributions provided important data for decision-making regarding environmental issues, since the presence of birds is considered one of the main indicators of the health conditions of an ecosystem. Data analysis identified two basic conditions: (i) a reduction of the 23% in the number of species found, many of which disappeared during counting; and (ii) the significant increase in population of other species, including three species of pigeons. Apart from the study of variations in the numbers of bird species present in the routes with urban characteristics, the article acknowledges the lack of connection and use of this citizen science for decision-making and education regarding environmental issues. Therefore, we consider it crucial to create scientific observations that are available to both experts in the field and to the general population, which is the essence of citizen science.
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