Iconic translanguage
Its first forays into the document
archival science, emoticons, writing history, iconic translanguage, knowledge societyAbstract
The ability to build a language is an aspect that characterizes the human being, that is, a system of different signs that correspond to different ideas. This is the phenomenon that we will address in this brief analysis, since, with the introduction of technology, the possibilities of communication have been enhanced. The progress in recent years has been of such magnitude that nothing is as it was before the appearance of the internet. At the same time, this effect has not been analyzed at the same speed as its application by scholars of informational areas, making it clear that social changes occur faster than science records them. Hence, we are going, from the perspective of written communication, to analyze the contributions that emoticons make to the structured message. This is due to the fact that these expressive faces that give strength to communication have presented their first advances in the formal field. Until recently, its sphere of influence was limited only to social networks, and, however, it has already jumped to other scenarios, we do not know how soon it will be incorporated into written, official or personal documents. What we do know is that they will always do so as accessories, reinforcements of the intention of the written message. Through the use of an analytical method with a qualitative approach, we conclude that we are facing the construction of a globalized social identity based on symbols, information and emotions, that is, we have begun to configure an iconic translanguage.
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