Today, what does it mean to see? Visual thinking no longer exists?


  • Juan Agustín Gajardo Reyes Universidad de Talca



Thought, Perception, See, Faith, Technology


Regarding the pretentious evolutionary process of man, we have been told that in order to survive we adapt by shedding aspects that tie us to a primitive state of life. As if we need to leave part of our body behind; emphasizing what we have acquired as a superior value for which we should be grateful. However, we generally forget that what we leave behind, be it instincts, little fingers, hair on our faces, prickling of the skin, display of almost animal attitudes, are traits that make us more human, more sweaty. And above all more present and accomplices coexisting with the natural environment. Understanding as natural that which has not been intervened or instrumentalized not even by the look or the imagination. Being the feature of sight the most disturbing around the evolutionary theme, we can observe that it has become the first tool that Homo Faber has used to imagine the world for which it is necessary to evolve.
Creating in turn other tools that help you shape that new world. Such as religious faith, education as a tool, extractivism as a loving exchange, heterosexual family structure and, perhaps the most gallant of all, technology as a source of storytelling

Author Biography

Juan Agustín Gajardo Reyes, Universidad de Talca

Juan Agustín Gajardo Reyes es Arquitecto por la Universidad de Talca, Chile. Magíster en Cine documental del Instituto de Comunicación e Imagen de la Universidad de Chile. Coreógrafo en danza contemporánea. Estudiante de Doctorado en Cultura y Educación en América Latina. Universidad arcis


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How to Cite

Gajardo Reyes, J. A. (2020). Today, what does it mean to see? Visual thinking no longer exists?. Qvadrata, 2(4), 51–68.

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