Van Gogh children, Beethoven children: awakening artistic talent from an early age
arts, kindergarden education, creative thinking, artistic talentAbstract
This study shows the work where the objective was to analyze the impact that different recreational-pedagogical activities have on art in a preschool, which allow them to identify basic aspects of art for their training and creative thinking, thus evoking a development in skills. artistic skills to enhance their talent from an early age. The methodology is based on the logical framework for projects in the educational field, through a participatory action research design. With the participation of 36 second and third preschool students, observations and semi-structured interviews were carried out with educational personnel. Three categories were obtained, essential aspects of learning about the arts, creative thinking and artistic activity as a training field, where the students showed significant advances in the knowledge and identification of the basic aspects of the arts and also in creative thinking they achieved a change, according to the activities carried out and observed in the training session. It is concluded that there are significant results in the field of arts at this age, enhancing knowledge in this area, their development of cognitive, motor and social skills and the stimulation of creative thinking and also favoring their adequate understanding of the world around them.
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