Learning-teaching strategies in primary and secondary education under the educational model of 4.0: literature review
Education 4.0, Learning Strategies, Gamification, Flipped Classroom, Immersive Education, Storytelling, MakerspacesAbstract
Introduction: training in the skills of the 21st century requires profound changes in the learning-teaching processes, being the education model 4.0 focused on the development of such skills, encouraging, in turn, with the approach and principles of neuroeducation.
Objective: to systematize research information on the learning-teaching strategies employed under the educational model 4.0
Method: study of qualitative approach, descriptive level, bibliographic method of systematic review of literature. 93 texts were included in the final revision, in English and Spanish, published between 2018 and 2023.
Results: There is a growing interest in the edutainment approach, which encourages positive emotions, motivation, attention and multi-sensory learning; use of strategies supported by cutting-edge technological advances such as makerspaces, immersive education, mobile learning, which allow to promote experience-based learning, improve attention and concentration, allow the personalization of learning, boost memory and memory, and increase student motivation and engagement; strategies aimed at encouraging active participation, individualization of learning, practice, immediate feedback and focus on meaningful learning, such as flipped classroom; and strategies such as storytelling, aimed at improving communication and learning by leveraging emotional connection, activating multiple brain areas related to sensory perception and imagination, coherence and narrative structure, episodic memory and the activation of mind theory.
Discussion and conclusions: The strategies employed in the educational model 4.0 are aligned with the principles of the educational approach based on neuroeducation, indicating the great relevance of teacher training in technological and scientific advances in order to employ knowledge about the human brain in the structuring of teaching practices that favor the development of skills for the 21st century in students
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olena Klimenko, Nubia Hernández-Flórez, Melina Alejandra Estrada Vélez, Manuela Narváez Cortes, Esteban Sepúlveda Cespedes, Diana Lucia Arroyave-Jaramillo
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