Historical transit of disability: From clowns, deformed and buffoons to worthy humans


  • Alejandro Moreno Lozano Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Progreso de Obregón, Hidalgo




Disabilities, Historical transit, Otherness, Education, Buffoons


The main assumption of the research is that the past, exercises binding force with subjects who present physical and intellectual characteristics different from the bulk of the population today, and that in that level becomes a past of multiple senses: “The past belongs irreversibly to the previous time, belonged to the events of then, and may yet be now” (Heidegger, 1951, p. 409). Under this guideline, the journey that is part of the year 1800, specifically with physically and intellectually different people who were subject to the rules of Spanish society, which since then assigned them derogatory terms. The problem in research is that it is to solve, or to find out (Sánchez, 1993). In this sense, it is intended to answer the question: How is the historical construction of negative distinction towards people with different physical and intellectual characteristics presented? The question of reality is approached methodologically under the qualitative perspective, with special importance in the contributions that contributed to the construction of a logical narrative, on the derogatory designation of the other at the physical and/or intellectual level that is just the main finding that is reproduced today


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How to Cite

Moreno Lozano, A. (2022). Historical transit of disability: From clowns, deformed and buffoons to worthy humans. Qvadrata, 4(8), 169–185. https://doi.org/10.54167/qvadrata.v4i8.1009

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