Digital update processes in the use of information, communication, knowledge and learning technologies

The case of STEAM Projects at the Technical Secondary School of the State of Mexico No. 135




2023 Agenda, STEAM, educational innovation, technology


Considering the 2030 agenda and the 17 sustainable development goals in the objective 4.c;  which are based on considerably increasing the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially the least developed countries, begins the Case Study of Technical Secondary School 135, which was third place winner at the national level of the "FIRST LEGO" "League Challenge" 2022 Contest, with the presentation of a project designed with the methodology of Science (science), Technology (technology), Engineering (engineering) and Mathematics (mathematics) (STEM) (for its acronym in English) and the current term adds art (STEAM) to these disciplines, with this alliance was generated between the use of digital tools and their application in sustainable development projects that set a goal for 2030 in educational matters.  It’s important to mention the interdisciplinarity underlies the epistemic constitution of the object;  same as in the theoretical tools is a reason for revision, as well as the care in the analysis that will be carried out of the empirical data, the holistic presence of the same has also been recognized through recognizing a new panorama in the educational area in the formation of the thought of the teen;  which entails changes in social activities, since the theoretical bases of the STEAM Project are related to technological development and innovation worldwide;  which has implied since the COVID-19 Pandemic a series of updates by teachers and one of the main strategies that most impacts the academic training of new generations.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Sosa, F. (2024). Digital update processes in the use of information, communication, knowledge and learning technologies: The case of STEAM Projects at the Technical Secondary School of the State of Mexico No. 135. Revista Estudios De La Información, 2(1), 27–35.
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