The body and the teaching of architecture
An approach to understanding the relationship between the student body and university education
Biopolitics, Higher education, Cognitive capitalism, Architecture, Disciplined bod, Disciplined bodiesAbstract
The relationship between the sensitive body and the intellect at times is conflicted in contemporaneity, to the point that only the intellectual / rational relationship of things tends to prevail, over values and knowledge related to the senses and intuition. This break is due to multiple reasons that are identified in this text from before the industrial revolution to today. This look is drawn from philosophy, from sociology, as well as from theory in architecture. It is also necessary to mention that the school system, as well as the spaces where they live, is also influencing the standardization and training of the bodies. It is also necessary to mention that the school system, as well as the spaces where they live, are also influencing the standardization and training
of the bodies. This phenomenon becomes patent when they enter the University, which is intended to be attacked in the architecture school through a series of academic exercises that would return values such as time, the relationship of the intellectual body with the sensitive body in function of establishing integral bodies for the proper development of the profession of architect.
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