Fashion advertising violence against body diversity. The need in Mexico for an Antiphotoshop Law
Anti-photoshop law, Advertising, Fashion, Body, Edited photography, Graphic violenceAbstract
Violence towards the acceptance of the diversity of the body is presented in most advertising, a propaganda that homogenizes and stereotypes both the models it uses and the recipient of its messages, leaving a narrow framework of appreciation on the corporeal form. The objective of this text is to argue, justify and verify the need to implement the “Antiphotoshop Law” in fashion advertising photographs in Mexico as a preventive and initial measure to ensure that recipients, readers, have a thoughtful interpretation of alterations and editions made in the fashion photographs that are exposed in the public or virtual sites or formats that are used for the projection of these images. The methodology used for the present work is the theoretical crossroads to achieve argumentative sustainability on violence towards the diverse body form. It is concluded that the application of this norm can foster in individuals a personal and social appreciation that excludes the standardization of the characteristics that make up a stereotyped body, helping to improve self-esteem.
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