Cuban culture and thought in the first decade of the 20th century
Currents of thought, Culture, Intellectuals, Neocolonial Republic, Collective MentalitiesAbstract
The Neocolonial Republic is immense in events and social transformations. Studying it from any field implies having a holistic vision of the Cuban view of that moment, since in it not only economic, political and social phenomenom converge, but also of ideological type, product of the external influence of currents of thought. Based on these assumptions, the work presented below is directed towards the analysis of the cultural phenomenon, as a catalyst for indigenous and renovating thought to explain the process of shaping Cuban thought in the first ten years of the Neocolonial Republic; without ceasing to relate the determining historical context in its evolution. From this point of view and taking as references the new Cuban intellectual, this research has been carried out. For this, there were valuable bibliographic sources used indistinctly, according to the level of intentionality and analysis of each one of them.