Gobernanza educativa desde la pedagogía sistémica
El debate urgente sobre la influencia de las tecnologías en procesos formativos
virtual environments, educational technologies, education, educational planning, information and communication technologiesAbstract
This article aims to seeks to encourage and promote the development of appropriate digital platforms and tools to face the current educational change that has strong geopolitical governance implications. As can be evaluated by the information analyzed within this article, as of 2020 we are in a technological revolution regarding the educational issue. The rise of digital platforms, Big Data and Chatbots is emerging as one of the main technological export industries of global powers. However, the issue goes beyond the context of the deep structural dependence that this commercial relationship represents. EdTech are designed as tools to promote corporate governance models that won´t only questions issues such as educational autonomy but also the sovereignty of National States. The conclusion points out the necessary and urgent attention required in the development of adequate educational platforms. This technology should evaluate the diversity human and student needs, taking in account their emancipation and decolonization. We search to contribute to debate of educational planning.
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