English teacher educators’ engagement with and attitudes towards educational research


  • Patricia Núñez Mercado Universidad Veracruzana
  • Oscar Manuel Narvaez Trejo Universidad Veracruzana
  • Carolina Reyes Galindo Universidad Veracruzana




attitudes, higher education, EFL teaching, teacher education, research training


Today, the development of research skills in teacher education programs is highly valued. In line with this, this mixed-method case study aimed to examine teachers’ engagement with and attitudes towards educational research in an EFL teacher education program in Mexico. A sample of the population of educators answered the Teacher Attitude Scale towards Educational Research (Ilhan et al.), whereas qualitative data emanated from interviews with 6 teachers. Findings suggest that teacher educators perceive the value of educational research; however, its necessity and applicability cannot be ascertained. Barriers that impede teacher educators’ engagement with research, resulting in a lack of research culture in this context, were also identified.

Author Biographies

Patricia Núñez Mercado, Universidad Veracruzana

Is a full-time teacher at the School of Languages, University of Veracruz (Mexico). She holds an MA in TEFL (University of Veracruz) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics in ELT (University of Southampton, England). Her research interests are in academic literacy in Higher Education, English language teaching and learning processes, and research training processes, from which several projects have been developed, and from which progress and findings have been presented at national and international conferences, and several chapter books, articles and books have been published

Oscar Manuel Narvaez Trejo, Universidad Veracruzana

Is a full-time professor at the School of Languages, University of Veracruz (Mexico) and coordinator of its MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language program. He holds a PhD from Kent University, UK. His research interests relate to the perceptions of educational actors about the training processes of English teachers, from which various talks have been presented in national and international conferences. Dr. Narváez Trejo has published books, book chapters and articles, products from his research projects

Carolina Reyes Galindo, Universidad Veracruzana

Is an English teacher at middle and high school levels. She holds a BA in English Language by the University of Veracruz (Mexico) and is currently studying the MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the same university. She is a researcher assistant who has participated in several conferences as a speaker. Her research interests relate to educational actors´ perspectives on research training at higher education and the development of Higher Order Thinking Skills in teacher education. She co-authored a book chapter and published her BA dissertation.


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How to Cite

Núñez Mercado, P., Narvaez Trejo, O. M., & Reyes Galindo, C. (2022). English teacher educators’ engagement with and attitudes towards educational research. Qvadrata, 4(7), 13–36. https://doi.org/10.54167/qvadrata.v4i7.959

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