Social Media: Threat To Oppressors Or Tool To Oppress?
Social networks, social movements, tools of oppression, threat of oppressors, oppressedAbstract
Social networks are a communication tool that is becoming more and more important in people’s daily lives, they have various uses, including interacting, communicating and giving an opinion on any matter, this flow of information can be used for many purposes. One of them would be to liberate the masses, by favoring analysis, reflection and critical thinking to generate knowledge, information and participation of users in the democratic life of the country and in search of a better quality of life. Or its counterpart, the use of social networks to oppress, because despite the ease with which we obtain information, it sometimes arrives manipulated, censored or misrepresented due to the massive surveillance exercised by the oppressors on the internet. Both cases will be analyzed throughout this article
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