Fake news, enemies of journalism, communication and Human Rights


  • Marco Gutiérrez Mendoza Instituto de Pedagogía Crítica




Virtual Reality, Freedom, Surveillance, Market


 One of the essential tasks of journalism and communication is the circulation of information in an equitable manner to all members of a society. Thus, journalistic and media work is implicit in the Human Rights proclaimed in December 1948, since, as stated in Article 19 of said document, the right to communication is a fundamental human right and the States must guarantee the freedom of expression and belief, in addition to guaranteeing freedom of expression but, above all, the same article stipulates the right to receive information by any means, regardless of the border. Under these precepts, we consider that the media and journalism have the obligation to generate ethical, critical and informed thinking in order to guarantee the fundamental right to information.
This article delves into this subject by exposing the importance of critical thinking in the media, the fight against so-called fake news and a review of the guarantees currently offered in the media to Human Rights in general.

Author Biography

Marco Gutiérrez Mendoza, Instituto de Pedagogía Crítica

Licenciado en Historia por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Máster en Educación Superior por la misma institución. Director del sistema Radio Universidad de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua y presidente de la Red de Radios Universitarias de México (RRUM). Actualmente doctorante en el Instituto de Pedagogía Crítica.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Mendoza, M. (2020). Fake news, enemies of journalism, communication and Human Rights. Qvadrata, 2(4), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.54167/qvadrata.v2i4.778

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