Between the break and social reality: Education


  • Edgar Daniel Anaya Torres Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala



Edycation, School, Discourse, Power, Epistemology


The purpose of the work is to generate a discussion between the idea of education opposed to the school, through a constellation that allows different thinkers to reflect from the project of the human being gestated at present, all this carried through the conductive thread of the discursive orders. Woven in the historical evolution that cognitive, ideological and behavioral processes generate in the subjects from the social, economic, political and historical conditions that in the current era are shown and accepted as normal elements or as discursive orders of normality. These discursive orders are closely linked to the school as an institutional entity that reproduces a part of social reality, however, education as an act of thought could put the lens on the fractures, cracks or ruptures of the discourse to constantly think at the same time, human being in his being for himself and his being for others as a tension of a negative dialectic that seeks to think that which has not yet been enlightened.


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How to Cite

Anaya Torres, E. D. (2024). Between the break and social reality: Education. Qvadrata, 5(10), 209–224.

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