Image, Body, Sublimation and Dance


  • Lucero Del Pilar Miranda Diego Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro



Image, Body, Desire, Subject, Art, Dance, Dancer


The article takes us on a journey about the analysis of the dancers' body as an instrument of artistic expression, as well as the link of that body to desire, the anguish in the face of the discomforts of daily life, the body as an instrument of expression, at its time the body as a means of showing the desire and pain of the current era, especially the body of the dancer in the stage of academic training at the university, where the demands of the teacher are part of the training of students as dancers and of implicitly, of them as subjects in the process of maturation as people.


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How to Cite

Miranda Diego, L. D. P. (2024). Image, Body, Sublimation and Dance. Qvadrata, 5(10), 93–119.

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