Integrative pluralism: transfer of epistemic virtues and transdiscipline [Newton, Whewell, Darwin y Wilson]


  • Heriberto Ramírez Luján Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua



Integrative pluralism, epistemic virtues, epistemic transfer, transdiscipline


It seeks to outline how Newton's epistemic ideals transitioned to Darwin, which allowed him to integrate his theory of evolution. With the idea of showing a more fluid image of science in a complex framework in which epistemic transfer is a constant even between theories that could previously be conceived as unthinkable. Supported by the approach of Wilson's notion of consilience. Also opening up the possibility that citizens, or people outside the field of science, can also be part of the development of science.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Luján, H. (2024). Integrative pluralism: transfer of epistemic virtues and transdiscipline [Newton, Whewell, Darwin y Wilson]. Qvadrata, 5(10), 57–68.