New perspectives in literary studies. Reflections from a suburb of the world.


  • Luciano Prado Da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Ricardo Piglia, Latin American literature, Carlos Fuentes, hispanidad, Tomás Rivera,, Tomás Rivera, Chicano literature


This article seeks to show the general lines of creation and research horizon that are open to Latin American literature. In order to achieve the above, the conference takes as a reference framework “Three proposals for the next millennium (and five difficulties)”, by the Argentine writer Ricardo Piglia. In a second moment and as an illustration of Piglia’s approach, Roberto Bolaño’s narrative is addressed. In addition, by way of historical review, the coincidences and cross-references of the work (with special emphasis on language) of the writers João Guimarães Rosa and Juan Rulfo are used; to then give way to the work of Tomás Rivera as a reference of Chicano literature and talk about the wealth, circumstance and conditions of possibility of the latter, starting from the conceptions of Hispanicness, especially the third, exposed by Carlos Fuentes in his work The buried mirror

Author Biography

Luciano Prado Da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Licenciado en Letras (Portugués/Español) por la Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Maestro en Letras Hispánicas por la Universidad Federal Fluminense; Doctor en Letras Neolatinas por la Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Sus estudios se centran en las áreas de los imaginarios literarios, las prácticas translingüísticas en la literatura, el hispanismo en Brasil, entre otros. Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de Didáctica y Práctica de Enseñanza de portugués-español en la Facultad de Educação de la Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Prado Da Silva, L. (2019). New perspectives in literary studies. Reflections from a suburb of the world. Qvadrata, 1(1), 30–45. Retrieved from