Speech acts of the teacher in its communicative relational dimension with the students of early childhood education
Spoken language, speech, speech acts, education, communication processAbstract
Introduction: According to Austin (1990) and Searle (1986), speech acts are the basic communicative unit that implies an intention, with the classroom being a scenario for permanent updating of speech acts that act as indicators of favorable conditions or not for learning.
Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the most frequent speech acts used by Early Childhood Education teachers in their communicative relational dimension with students.
Method: A mixed study, descriptive level, cross-sectional. The corpus is made up of audio recordings obtained under informed consent, carried out in three (3) early childhood education classrooms of two (2) sessions for an approximate time of 1 hour each. The instrument for observation and recording of speech acts, designed ad hoc, was used. The analysis of the data is of frequency, categorized according to the typology: assertive, directive, commitment, expressive and declarative acts and the different sub-acts. To determine the illocutionary force and the sincerity conditions, content analysis was applied.
Results: The results indicate that the most frequent acts are directive and assertive, within which orders, questions and stories prevail; that is, all the discursive action resides in the teacher, denoting traditional pedagogies that limit autonomous development, critical thinking, collaborative work and communication.
Conclusions: The implications of the communication process between the teacher and the students are discussed for the creation of optimal conditions for the promotion of creative thinking, socio-emotional, linguistic skills and autonomous learning.
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