Analysis of scientific production on the relationship of the analysis of the environment with the prospective and managerial strategy


  • Erica Janet Agudelo Ceballos Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitan
  • Daniel Cardona Valencia Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • Jhoany Alejandro Valencia Arias Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • Maria Camila Bermeo Giraldo Institución Universitaria Escolme



Environment analysis, Documentary analysis, Bibliometrics, Future studies, Business Management


In the business context, concepts such as uncertainty, strategy and foresight should be addressed from the perspective of strategic management; however, their study should be linked to environmental analysis, a component that has an impact on continuity and the creation of scenarios for the organization's decision making. The purpose of this paper is to explore the existing scientific production on the analysis of the environment and management strategy, as well as its importance for organizations. The methodology is exploratory-descriptive, performing a bibliometric analysis of 846 documents published in the Scopus database. The results indicate the importance of the environment in business characterization, specifically in strategic planning by scenarios and in the management of external stakeholders such as customers, competitors and marketers. It can be concluded that the topic has different approaches in the countries where most research is done; in the United States it is oriented towards sustainable development and strategic planning, in the United Kingdom from corporate strategy, the generation of business environments and innovation; while in China it focuses on the analysis of competitors in the environment and the search for environments conducive to business development.


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How to Cite

Agudelo Ceballos, E. J. ., Cardona Valencia, D. ., Valencia Arias, J. A. ., & Bermeo Giraldo, M. C. . (2022). Analysis of scientific production on the relationship of the analysis of the environment with the prospective and managerial strategy. Qvadrata, 4(8), 27–51.

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