Between Virgins and Girls: Religious Devotion to Female Figures in Drug Culture in Mexico


  • Ana Georgina Aldaba Guzmán Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Narcoculture, religion, religious female figures


Narcoculture is a phenomenon spread over the last decades conforming, not only the daily life in the subsistence form of a significant sector of the Mexican population, but also, it has established its own idea of transcendence, where religious syncretism has played a transcendental role. The religious figures which prevail in the world of Narcoculture are very varied, and each of them presents very particular characteristics. Some of the most representative cults of the drug world are: the devotion to the Holy Death, the cult to Martín Valverde, and the devotion to San Judas Tadeo, just to mention a few. But what happens when these figures worthy of devotion become feminine? What is the distinction between entrusting yourself to a male and a female figure? We can observe that femininity through religious beliefs has a very important role in the configuration of these transcendental ideas.

Author Biography

Ana Georgina Aldaba Guzmán, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Egresada de la Licenciatura en Sociología y la Maestría en Política Criminal impartidas en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán. Actualmente se desempeña como docente de la licenciatura de Sociología, en esa misma universidad; así como en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Encargada del área metodológica del Seminario Diocesano de Cuautitlán. Sus principales líneas de investigación son: Sociología de la Religión, , Violencia y Sociedad, Narcocultura y Seguridad Pública.


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How to Cite

Aldaba Guzmán, A. G. . (2022). Between Virgins and Girls: Religious Devotion to Female Figures in Drug Culture in Mexico. Qvadrata, 4(7), 177–192.