Controls and Regulations through Advertising (1950-1970)
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female towels

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Fernández Camarena, C. A., & García Alcaraz, M. G. (2024). Controls and Regulations through Advertising (1950-1970). Debates Por La Historia, 12(1), 53–85.



In this study, we explore how printed advertising for female sanitary towels presents and promotes menstruation in a context of control and instruction. From a socio-critical perspective, we conceive education as a process that influences meanings, behaviors, habits, and consumption. Therefore, we argue that advertising contains a discourse that shapes behaviors and establishes menstrual behavior norms for female bodies. Our research is situated in the decades of 1950 and 1970, a period of product introduction and social acceptance. The analysis is based on advertisements from a local newspaper, two women's magazines from Guadalajara, Mexico, and a booklet aimed at 11 to 14-year-old girls. We focus on Kotex® towel advertising, the most popular brand. We find that the ads promote a discourse of biopower that seeks to sanitize, modernize, and feminize women's bodies through advertising strategies that present menstruation as a private, dirty, and exclusively feminine issue, a "problem" that sanitary towels solve.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Cintli Aylín Fernández Camarena, María Guadalupe García Alcaraz


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