Presence of spirituality in medieval English text (7th-12th centuries)
spirituality, medieval imaginary, Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon medieval literatureAbstract
The article will observe iconic literary texts from the Anglo-Saxon medieval time translated from old English into modern English to describe the concept of spirituality in this medieval context in order to assess the way this idea is applicable to the different examples of narrative. It is not the purpose of this article to assess the effectiveness of the translations, such research might be conducted at a later time. Nonetheless, translations that rely mostly on meaning and the use of images are preferred, rather than those that focus solely on rhythm. An example of this is the translation of Beowulf by irish poet Seamus Heaney. An assessment of the literary examples of the Anglosaxon time will be conducted, which includes the following texts: The Seafarer, The destruction of Anglo-saxon temples y Caedmon de Bede, and finally Beowulf. Political, social, and intellectual events will be considered for this analysis of the texts. Poetic characteristics will be analyzed and interpreted in order to support the main idea of spirituality. This analysis in only exploratory and does not intend to be thorough given the circumscription
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