Ecocritical analysis of Frío by Rafael Pinedo: environmental metaphor and animal alliance in the Anthropocene of the Southern Cone


  • Sofia Rosa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Rafael Pinedo, Frío, Climate Fiction, Ecocriticism, Anthropocene, Southern Cone


Since the 1990s, the reports with the diagnoses, projections, and the impact of climate change haven’t stopped growing. From the analysis of the adaptation of a given ecosystem to the struggle of activists and communities for environmental justice, terms such as “climate change” and “global warming” entered the international political agenda, the headlines of the news and the narratives of our time. A line of science fiction research along with some academic activism, has sought to incorporate the category of climatic fictions (cli-fi) into speculative fictions and whose particularities will be presented in this article. In it, I intend to study the second novel of the trilogy of the Argentine author Rafael Pinedo, Frío, as speculative fiction in the cultural and environmental context of the Southern Cone of recent decades. From the identification of the environmental metaphors that appear in the novel’s climate scenario, I analyze how the animal alliance between the protagonist and the rats takes place from an eco-critical perspective in the unprecedented cross between religion and climate. I intend with this paper to contribute to the more general discussion of the relevance of the study of climatic and speculative fictions in the context of regional science fiction and the global climatic emergency

Author Biography

Sofia Rosa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Es escritora, Profesora de Literatura (Instituto de Profesores Artigas, Uruguay), Magíster en Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y actualmente candidata a Doctora en Literatura en la misma Universidad. Ha publicado el libro de poesía Falsas escrituras (Yaugurú, 2011) y Reversaglio/Nigredo (Irrupciones, 2014) con el que obtuvo el tercer premio en narrativa en los Premios Nacionales de Literatura (mec, Uruguay, 2016). Compiló y editó el libro María Inés Silva Vila: El milagro como norma (Fin de Siglo, 2017) que rescata la obra de la autora uruguaya. Ha realizado diversas instalaciones y lecturas performáticas en Uruguay, Chile y Argentina. Actualmente realiza su tesis sobre las metáforas ambientales del Antropoceno en las ficciones literarias del Cono Sur. Forma parte de la Red de Humanidades Ambientales (riha) y de la Red socioecológica de co-creación para América Latina (resaca). Este artículo forma parte de mi investigación de tesis doctoral: Metáforas ambientales del Antropoceno: ficciones literarias del Cono Sur



How to Cite

Rosa, S. (2021). Ecocritical analysis of Frío by Rafael Pinedo: environmental metaphor and animal alliance in the Anthropocene of the Southern Cone. Qvadrata, 2(3), 75–101. Retrieved from