Incarnations of interculturality: A critical reading of the novel Del Amor y Otros Demonios


  • Andrés Felipe Díaz Parra Semillero Ágora Latinoamericana



Interculturality, Incarnation, Miscegenation, García Márquez


This reflective research article, entitled Incarnations of interculturality: A critical reading of the novel Del Amor y Otros Demonios (1994) seeks to propose, from a critical theoretical approach, a reading from interculturality as an alternative to analyze the literary work of Gabriel García Márquez emphasizing how his characters attain to embody aspects of interculturality, this being a characteristic element of the Latin American narrative and based on the need to promote spaces for reflection inside and outside the classroom.


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How to Cite

Díaz Parra, A. F. . (2024). Incarnations of interculturality: A critical reading of the novel Del Amor y Otros Demonios. Qvadrata, 5(10), 71–90.