Critical reflections from Sociology of Education. The link between ideology, domination and education.

El vínculo entre ideología, dominación y educación.


  • José Dagoberto Rojas Urrutia Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales


Correspondence, Reproduction, Resistance, Culture, Ideology, Education, Critical sociology


The objective of this article is to make a bibliographic review on the orientations and background surrounding the sociology of education. It will be inspected from the considerations and international currents of the discipline that have helped in its promotion; there will certainly be a crossroad with Chilean public policies that have intervened in the new challenges for the education in our country. For this purpose, different instances have been considered related to the main theoretical currents: the local background, the analysis and the critical relation regarding the socioeducational processes. The proposed method for the study will be comparative and reflective, additionally the reflection will be given a critical approach, in order to contrast our initial hypothesis: “education is not only a consumer good in Chile, but also a mechanism of cultural domination and economic discipline.” We also wanted to present the socioeducational appearance of a hidden curriculum in Chilean education, as a mechanism of symbolic and structural difference between a model of supplementary education and a model of complementary education.

Author Biography

José Dagoberto Rojas Urrutia, Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales

Postítulo en Planificación y Gestión Urbana Integral por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Estudios en Sociología por la Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales (ARCIS); además de estudios de Trabajo Social por la Universidad Santo Tomás. Su campo de investigación se centra en las disciplinas de la gestión social en redes, la planificación social y urbana, la organización y participación social, las políticas en salud y educación además del desarrollo local. En la actualidad labora en la Universidad ARCIS.



How to Cite

Rojas Urrutia, J. D. (2019). Critical reflections from Sociology of Education. The link between ideology, domination and education.: El vínculo entre ideología, dominación y educación. Qvadrata, 1(1), 100–119. Retrieved from