Translation of Eustace Clarence Scrubb from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


  • Marcela Valenzuela Chávez UACh


Eustace; Narnia; Berman; translation; narrative


This article has the purpose of discussing the differences represented by the character of Eustace Clarance Scrubb in the first chapter of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis, from The Chronicles of Narnia saga. Using the Berman model methodology, the original English version will be placed side by side along with two Spanish translations, the first one by María Elena Pérez De Arce Araya and María Rosa Duhart Silva and the second one by Gemma Gallart. Firstly, the two translations will be compared with each other to analyze their similarities and differences, and then they will be compared with the original to discuss how each version relates to the original and conclude on how they both influence the representation of Eustace that the reader receives.

