Comités para la traducción de la ciencia: perspectivas y expectativas de los investigadores educativos


  • Vianey Avila Martinez Alumno UACH
  • Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua


traducción automatizada, investigación educativa, tecnologías de la traducción, traducción científica


This paper aims to discover and describe in detail the possible applications of computer-aided translation and other translation technologies in the research of fields such as Education, Arts, and Humanities. Its main objective is to elicit informed opinions from researchers in these areas in regards to the possible implications of resorting to computer-assisted translation tools for their research work. This paper also digs into the translation process using computer-assisted translation tools, to subsequently assess the overall quality of the translation that results from using them, all in order to endorse the proposal of creating an academic translation committee at Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua.

