Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): Julio-Diciembre 2023


Given the complex world scenario that is presented today, where humanity faces crucial challenges that demand the attention of the entire community, it is necessary to propose real solutions that optimize the development of society. Economic-administrative issues have a direct impact on the life of each citizen, so it is necessary to promote sustainable economic growth. In this sense, it is crucial to promote policies that stimulate investment in strategic sectors and encourage the creation of new sources of employment, focused on current needs and taking advantage of the technological advances that are available.

It is convenient to highlight the importance of economic resilience in an increasingly interconnected world. The ability to adapt to global economic changes and the implementation of preventive measures are key to guaranteeing long-term global stability, since the challenges we face today are complex but not insurmountable.

Published: 2023-12-12

