The collaborative history proposal of The History Workshop (1967-1994): A precursor to contemporary Public History
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Public history
popular history
theory of history

How to Cite

Alba Bajatta, A. U. (2024). The collaborative history proposal of The History Workshop (1967-1994): A precursor to contemporary Public History. Debates Por La Historia, 12(2), 53–76.



The History Workshop (1967-1994) was a project initiated in the 1960s by the English historian Raphael Samuel as a series of workshops to integrate working-class adults into historical production, with the purpose of making history a public, collaborative, and accessible good for audiences outside the academia. This article presents an overview of the project, with the intention of introducing it to Spanish-speaking historians. It argues that this workshop was an essential precursor to current historiographical approaches which, still today, struggle to find the balance between classical academic production and the need to socialize historical knowledge in a broader way, ensuring history remains a socially relevant discipline and that its outcomes are public goods, accessible and clear to non-specialized audiences.
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