The historiography of the Caribbean is diverse in terms of the quantity of studies that comprise it. There have been different efforts to compile in one work centuries of historical events directly linked to the centers of world power. The present work has the objective to analyze historiographically two of its most relevant works: From Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro. The Caribbean frontier of John Bosch and from Columbus to Castro: The history of the Caribbean 1492-1969 by Eric Williams. The two texts mentioned were subject to analysis, including other resources related with this topic, the authors and the historic and spatial context. The methodology used was the analysis and critical revision of historiographic sources. The study shows the importance of the Caribbean Region in the history of humanity. It allows for an understanding of the events that occurred in the Caribbean countries and for a delimitation of future political, economic and social strategies in light of a holistic frame of understanding of history. The authors analyze Caribbean history from a nationalist perspective. Both recreate diverse periods in the development of these people, supporting themselves in culminating milestones in the history formation of the region. Its current relevance relies on its methodological value, a deep documental study and the need to keep studying our past in order to construct a better future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Geicy Fanjul Ramos, Yurier Fernández Cardoso, Sandy Rodríguez Pérez