The first monument to education: Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros
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Torres Bodet

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Díaz Galván, R. (2024). The first monument to education: Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros. Debates Por La Historia, 12(1), 145–175.



This paper proposes a historical analysis that contributes to the knowledge and dissemination of the last stage of construction of the Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros, one of the most important educational institutions in Mexico in terms of teacher training due to its antiquity, tradition, the size of its school community and, especially, because of its cultural heritage: architecture, sculpture, and painting. All this shapes the normalista sense of identity. It is a school that, for more than 135 years, has specialized in the training and professionalization of primary education teachers, who have carried out their professional work with Mexican children nationwide. Its legacy began at the end of the 19th century and still in the 21st century it remains one of the five most important Normal (teacher training) schools in the country. It should be added that even today, it is the only institution of higher education in Mexico that has also served as the venue for a meeting of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). A central figure in all of this was Jaime Torres Bodet, who was serving as Secretary of Public Education at that time. When did this happen? What were the causes that led to that meeting? Who were, besides Torres Bodet, the main responsible parties? What were its main consequences? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this study.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raquel Díaz Galván


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