Pre-service Physical Education teachers, Disability and Social Perception. An Instrument.




Percepción Social, Educación Física, Discapacidad Intelectual, Escala, Redes Semánticas Naturales, Alpha de Cronbach


This research aimed to determine the stance of physical education students toward individuals with Down syndrome. This study is critical because these students will impact their future students and the communities they will educate. We conducted this research in three phases. Firstly, we validated a scale developed in Spain that measures social perception towards people with Down syndrome (EPSD-1; Molina & Nunes, 2012), polling physical education students in northern Mexico as a sample, the Cronbach's Alpha index was applied to demonstrate the reliability of the questionnaire, threw up a Cronbach Alpha value at 0.54 meaning that the instrument has a low reliability, therefore unacceptable. In the second phase, we applied a survey using the natural semantic networks technique (Figueroa, 1976) and identified some discordances in the language, which led us to make the necessary adjustments in the wording of the 31 items of the EPSD-1, resulting in the EPSD-3, a social perception scale adapted for the Latin American context. In the third phase, the EPSD-3 was validated with Cronbach's Alpha, and it was determined that it is an instrument with acceptable reliability (𝛂=.74).



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Author Biography

Sergio Enrique Madrid Aranda, Augsburg University

Sergio Madrid-Aranda (he, him, his) is from Chihuahua, Mexico. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education from the University of Chihuahua and his Special Education Master’s degree Summa Cum Laude from the University of Juarez, in Mexico. Also, he obtained his doctorate in Special Bilingual Education with a certificate on Autism Spectrum Disorders from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
In addition to his passion for teaching college students, Sergio is equally interested in supporting students of color. What’s more, currently, he serves as the Assistant Director of the Thrive program at Augsburg University, a space focused on celebrating, empowering, and developing a sense of belonging for preservice teachers of color.



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How to Cite

Madrid Aranda, S. E., Ponce Renova, H. F., & Molina Saorin, J. (2025). Pre-service Physical Education teachers, Disability and Social Perception. An Instrument. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias De La Cultura Física, 4(10), 33–47.
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