Casos emblemáticos de dopaje: una revisión sistemática de las implicaciones éticas y deportivas






This article aimed to conduct a systematic review of emblematic cases of doping in sports to understand their causes, impacts, and institutional responses. The review was carried out following the indicators of the PRISMA model, searching for articles in databases such as Scielo, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, Latindex, and Google Scholar, using keywords such as "Controversial doping cases - ethical implications, doping - case study - controversy, controversial – doping – cases - ethical, doping cases – controversy - implications," using quotation marks (" ") around each word and separated by the Boolean operator AND. Inclusion criteria encompassed documents discussing the ethical and sporting implications of doping, being case study research, openly accessible, and without year restrictions. Sixty-one articles were located, with 43 selected for analysis. Eighteen articles were excluded for not meeting inclusion criteria, four more for duplication, and only three documents from databases and an additional one from other sources such as Google Scholar were used for the review. Cases such as those of Lance Armstrong, Marion Jones, Marta Domínguez, Alberto Contador, and María Sharapova were highlighted, demonstrating the complexity of the phenomenon and its repercussions on the credibility of sports. The study underscores the vulnerabilities of the global sports system to doping and the importance of a systemic, multi-level approach to anti-doping, as well as strengthening the ethical foundations of sports.


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How to Cite

Rosales Peña, E. F., Barrón Lujan, J. C., Ramírez Enríquez, S. I., Arredondo Marttel, G. J. ., López Alonso, S. J., & Medina López, H. L. (2024). Casos emblemáticos de dopaje: una revisión sistemática de las implicaciones éticas y deportivas. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias De La Cultura Física, 3(9), 47–58.
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