Common devices in eccentric training focused on strength: a systematic review


  • Pedro Quintana Arroyo Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua
  • Ramon Candia Lujan
  • Kevin Fernando Candia Sosa Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Silvia Isela Ramirez Enriquez Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • David Raúl Medina Felix Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Raul Eduardo Acosta Carreño Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Gilberto Santos Sambrano Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua



Negative training, eccentric action, isokinetic, isoinertial, dynamometer


Eccentric training for strength development has become popular in recent years, which has led to the design and use of different devices that allow training alternatives that help achieve the desired goals in less time. The objective of the present study is to analyze the most used devices in the eccentric training of the eccentric muscular phase, for the development of muscular strength, for this a systematic review was carried out during the month of March 2022 in the following databases: data: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The search strategy used included the following search terms; “Eccentric training” AND “muscular strength”, 647 articles were identified and were discarded according to the inclusion criteria used. A total of 33 articles were included. After analyzing the papers, 6 classifications of devices designed for eccentric training focused on strength were identified, the isoinertial dynamometer was the most used, followed by isokinetic machines. Eccentric cycle ergometers, powered leg press devices, multipower machines, and 3 devices that did not fit into any of the other classifications were also found. Most devices focus primarily on the lower body.


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How to Cite

Quintana Arroyo, P., Candia Lujan, R., Candia Sosa, K. F. ., Ramirez Enriquez, S. I., Medina Felix, D. R., Acosta Carreño, R. E., & Santos Sambrano, G. (2024). Common devices in eccentric training focused on strength: a systematic review . Revista Mexicana De Ciencias De La Cultura Física, 3(7), 46–59.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)


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