La traducción de “Heat Lightning in a Time of Drought” de Andrew Hudgins

la La traducción de “Heat Lightning in a Time of Drought” de Andrew Hudgins


  • Karen Chavez Tena na


Andrew Hudgins; Literary translation; poetry; humor; realism



This paper offers a Spanish version of the poem "Heat Lightning in a Time of Drought" by Andrew Hudgings, as well as an exercise in which he realizes the obstacles and the decisions that were made to try to overcome them. In literary translation, the form, techniques and decisions made by the translator during the process are of great relevance. This work analyzes the problems that arise when translating a poem in which the author presents scattered ideas, as well as drama and humor as a fundamental part of the story that the author presents in his work. The most frequent problems were questions of equivalence, rhythm and musicality, and realism. All these problems make us question what is the appropriate technique to convey the author's message.


