Apuntes para una aproximación al cuento “La Señal” de Inés Arredondo

Apuntes para una aproximación al cuento “La Señal” de Inés Arredondo


  • Leyani Bernal Valdés Universidad Autónoma de Cihuahua


sign, hermeneutics, sacred, symbolic, Arredondo


Inés Arredondo appears as one of the most representative writers of the Mexican twentieth century. In his story "The signal" aspects of the human and sacred are shown, which in this work are intended to be addressed. This article analyzes the short story "The Signal" by Inés Arredondo, based on the symbolic resources that she uses to interpret the experiences of the intimate universe of the human, in a subject that is transcendent for the author. The narrative management that Inés Arredondo displays, makes her a timeless writer and a faithful guarantor of the always present chiaroscuro of our human essence.

