The Universal Predilection of Mario Vargas Llosa in Literature



universality, tirade, Literature, reception, narrative


This paper has the purpose of arguing how an outstanding contribution to Literature is achieved by embracing the universality of its resources. To demonstrate this point, I have taken as a reference the perspective of Mario Vargas Llosa in relation to the debate that took place between Julio Cortazar and Jose Maria Arguedas. From this academic meeting, it is possible to listen to three peremptory topics that are aimed at preserving the literary condition from a global volition. The first one consists of resuming knowledge about world reality in order to interact with a compatible audience. The second is based on considering the styles and techniques that do not waver from tradition or literary evolution. To conclude, mention will be made of the biographical diatribe as a sign of the uprooting of what is fundamental in exegesis. These topics will seek to validate the author's propensity to address multiple realities.

Author Biography

Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciado. Candidato a magíster y doctor en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Docente de Educación Superior y universidades nacionales. Corrector de textos. Dos veces becario. Investigador Concytec y Conacyt con intereses en la narrativa, la teoría literaria, el cine y los ensayos de autores latinoamericanos, como Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Márquez y Octavio Paz. Ha publicado en revistas indexadas en Web of Science, SciELO y Scopus de Perú, Chile, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Brasil, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, México, Colombia, España e Italia. Ha sido ponente en congresos de Perú, Cuba, España, México, Colombia, Guatemala y Estados Unidos. Contacto:

