Plato's Metaphysics: World of Forms, God, Demiurge and the Soul

Ontological Dualism, Ontotheology and Humane Metaphysics.


  • Bianey Gallegos Aguilar Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


Plato, Metaphysics, God, demiurge, soul


In the present work it’s developed the now known as metaphysic in the previous conception of Plato the philosopher. Through a brief research in the platonic dialogs, we inquire into the constituent elements of his ontotheology, the Form of the Good as «God» and the proposal of the artesian god, the objectivizing Demiurge of the ideas; the ontological dualism, the reality as formed by two dimensions, the world of the Forms and the sensitive world; and the consistency of the metaphysics of the humane because of the similarity of the soul to the ideas.

