Gender violence and human rights: An interdisciplinary analysis on the protection of fundamental rights


  • Nubia Hernández-Flórez Universidad Metropolitana de Barranquilla
  • María José Orozco-Santander
  • Elisama Beltrán de la Rosa
  • Eucebia Oviedo-Hernández


Violencia; género; vulnerabilidad; discriminación; derechos humanos


This article presents a reflective analysis of gender-based violence from an interdiscipli- nary human rights perspective. The flagrant violation of fundamental rights generates a challenge in the face of current challenges in society because this type of violence is based on discrimination and disproportionate affectation of women, which constitutes a violation of fundamental human rights. These include the right to life, personal integrity, equality, security, non-discrimination, and, above all, the right to live a life free of violence. Scientific advances on the subject have identified that the aggressions against women are rooted in asymmetrical relationships and in the devaluation of the feminine, which is identified as a risk factor associated with vulnerability due to the fact of being a woman, taking into account the social and legal aspects that address the problem from a holistic perspective.

