The social stigma on the drug trafficking corrido through the meme


  • Henry Harley Téllez Doctor en ciencias sociales, Institución educativa Santos Apóstoles, Colombia
  • Nereida Loera Salcedo Independiente


Drug trafficking, corrido, narcocorrido, meme, social stigmas


Over the years, the corrido has had changes in the musical field and its discourse, focusing on themes of drug trafficking and drug traffickers, repeatedly, to the point of being censored, by including in its narrative different violet events, product of the territorial disputes between drug trafficking groups and whit security forces, giving life to the narcocorrido side, called: “altered movement”. The objective of this text is to analyze the stigma created around the narcocorrido and its discursive variants, expressed thought internet memes. In this way, a corpus of study on memes that circulate through social networks has been formed, to reflect on the use, appropriation, and reinterpretation of the set of icons, symbols, texts, and signs, as well as the stigmas displayed on the recipients of the narcocorrido through these memes.





Consumos e industrias culturales del entretenimiento