Las Nuevas experiencias narrativas del cine digital dentro de la pantalla global


  • Nuria Lon Roca Universidad de Zaragoza


Digital cinema; digitization; technology; communication; digitalization


Throughout the article, I want to highlight the new narrative experiences derived from digital cinema, where it is possible to create specific languages with which to define the most significant characteristics of cinema. In this sense, the hypothesis defended in the study is that the use of technology, as well as its own evolution and the use of different digital platforms to generate creative elements typical of today's cinema, responds to the conformation of a specific, novel cinema that surpasses previous narratives. The aim of the article is to highlight the changes derived from the progressive digitalization of cinema in the different stages of audiovisual creation. In this way, it shows that these changes shape a contemporary audiovisual culture based on hypertextuality, interactivity and transmediality.





Consumos e industrias culturales del entretenimiento