Comunidad y memoria. Testimonios en torno a la masificación, restauración y preservación de los videojuegos arcade en México. La labor de Artemio Urbina y



arcade videogames, visual studies, cultural preservation, Contemporary visual culture, videojuegos


This paper focuses on the influence of arcade video games on Mexican culture, economy and society during the last quarter of the 20th century. Even in remote areas, these games were accessible and left a significant mark on the population. Testimonials of people involved in its distribution are presented. The progressive degradation of PCBs has made it difficult to access whole parts. Artemio Urbina does invaluable work restoring and preserving arcade video games in Mexico, with a focus on Capcom's CP System II PCBs. His work includes the extraction and reinsertion of access keys and documentation of ROM circuits, ensuring the preservation of this part of the culture. Unlike commercial intentions, Urbina follows a free and shared knowledge approach, recognizing the value of spreading cultural heritage. His work transcends mere mechanical repair and extends to the preservation of a cultural aspect that could disappear. Urbina's effort aspires for the testimony of arcade videogames to last and be fully appreciated. This dedication seeks to ensure that this cultural legacy does not fall into oblivion and remains accessible.





Consumos e industrias culturales del entretenimiento