The fable of the robot Wittgenstein


  • Esteban A. Gasson Lara Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua


Ethic, Mystic, interpretation, Analytic, Tractatus


Discrediting other interpretations, as well as Witthenstein’s, the analytical tradition has attributed to itself the standard criterion for the interpretation of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. In that sense, and regarding the hundredth anniversary of the Tractatus’ publication… (1921), such interpretation is questioned, deriving in a caricaturized Wittgenstein, amidst the war battlefields, working systematically and objectively on his logical researches (fable of the robot Wittgenstein). In light of such formulation, established and promoted by Hans-Johann Glock in A Wittgenstein Dictionary, this work resorts the interpretative inaccuracies parting from Witggenstein’s Geheime-TagebücherSecret diaries–, in order to expose the systematic exclusion of information which allows to place the austro-german and his work under the analytical corset; and, with it, point the essential relationship the author had regarding ethics and mysticism since the beginning of the war, without these being a later on secondary addition.

