The The lexicon opossition between black metal and white metal: A case of antonymy?


  • Ea-Ilse Valverde Montoya Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia


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The nomenclature in metal it is not arbitrary. The fascination of the metal fan for the morbid, the obscure and the prohibited has brought to life the name of one of its subgenres with a larger following:  black metal. Genre that commonly express lyrics about Satanism, paganism and occultism. In the same way,  white metal, another metal subgenre, express in its songs the christian dogma and the positive values that emerge from this religion, from the point of view of its listeners. In that sense, it became clear, that names bring  even more labels from a semantic approach. So, if black metal its a name associated mainly with Satanism and white metal with Christianism, from a lexicon point of view and to begin to look for their meaning traits. It is  possible to consider white metal as an antonym of black metal?

